FMP – Project Proposal – My second attempted


These past units have been a bit of a roller coaster. We’ve produced numerous projects ranging from a Crime Drama episode, from a music video to a radio show. It’s been exciting experimenting with these different genres and learning different techniques to match these formats. Through these units I’ve gained a better understanding of different camera angles and the effects that they have on an audience. What’s also been brought to my attention is the rule of thirds, a shot technique which divides the shot 3 ways, both vertically and horizontally. By placing the subject on one of these lines, the overall shot becomes a lot more visually appealing to the viewer. I used this method in my music video and found some of my shots seemed more professional.  For my FMP I wanted to utilize these new found techniques to make interesting shots that are symbolic for my overall theme.

Project Concept

The project I wish to create is a music video to XXXTENTACION’s song ‘SAD!’. The song’s meaning explains the struggle of letting go of a loved one and the depression that follows it. For my music video I will be primarily focusing on the impact of said depression as opposed to crafting a story that displays the person’s loss.

My method of exploring the theme of depression is through multiple visual metaphors and symbolism that display the victims inner emotions. The whole video will be shot in dark room that’s solely lit by two contrasting lights – one white, one red. The video will feature two actors, one in casual, everyday clothes and the other dressed in all black, adorning a black hoodie and covering their face with a sinister looking mask.

Through out the video the mask character will be frequently mocking and irritating the other character but also will display moments of affection and comfort. These actions display how mental illness can be both unrelenting and controlling – like an abusive relationship. An interaction included in the video will be a tarot card reading, these cards will display an unfulfilling future and frequent references to death and loss. These are presenting how depression can affect a person views on the future, making them somewhat nihilistic, and also depicts the characters thoughts of suicide.

Some of the imagery included will be quite violent and brutal, just like mental illness can be.


When it comes to evaluating my work I will keep my production journal regularly updated and write regular reviews each time i move into a different stage of my project. For my journal I am constantly jotting potential ideas roughly in a notebook and then writing them clearly on my blog – I will but my evaluations on my blog as well.

When I have to face my final evaluation, I wish to create a video review where I carefully dissect my gradual production, the final product  as well as my troubles and victories throughout the creation of my FMP.

Project Schedule 

Due to me restarting the project I’m facing a significantly short time period so I’m expecting a lot of hard work.

2018-04-14 (2)2018-04-14 (1)

Bibliography (2018). Hideaki Anno. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018]

CBBFC. (2018). What is 12A? What is 12?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018].

CBBFC. (2018). What is 15? What is 18?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018]. (2018). Hideaki Anno. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018].

LAMVF. (2018). About. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018].

YouGov. (2018). Animation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018].

Exemplore. (2018). Tarot: The Celtic Cross Spread. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018].

Psychis. (2018). The meaning of tarot cards. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018].

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